Tuesday, 26 June 2007


I'm still talking to myself, I think. My nice little secret blog... ahhhh.

I've been working on Starsky, was going great speed until the armhole shaping, when suddenly stitches didn't seem to match the instructions and my poor head was getting a bit confused. I think I've sorted it now by staring at the pattern online - when I get back to my room I'll be able to see if I'm right.

I was getting worried about going too fast on it. I only brought 2 spare balls of wool with me, and I've already started one. I'm going to make myself do other evening activities like going to the gym and walking to make sure I don't run out before I get home! Ideally I'd like to just finish the third ball before I leave. I would like to wear this before it gets hot again!

This morning we had 'Pitstop' health checks. (Health checks made to look cool for blokes by using lots of car terms). I was given a rego sticker that confirms me as a 'hot machine'. Oh so healthy, non smoker, not overweight (yay), good cholestorol, glucose, blood pressure, blah blah blah. They were dead impressed with my flexibility since I can reach well past my toes. I am trying to keep active here since I'm not cycling to work, but the gym can be boring - I went last night, but hmmmm, not my cup of tea really.

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